Why Tibetan cremation is banned in America know the reason

Why Tibetan cremation is banned in America know the reason

All religions have their own customs. From birth to death, people of all religions and castes perform all the rituals according to their customs and rituals. In Hinduism, after death, the dead bodies are cremated by burning them. Whereas in Muslim religion, the dead bodies are buried. But do you know how Tibetans perform cremation and why their cremation is so different that it is banned in many countries? Today we will tell you about the cremation of Tibetan people. Buddhism In Hindu religion all over the world, the dead…

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Bihar: Cut off four fingers, burnt with acid; Bihar: Brutal Murder Of Girl Child In Vaishali, Disappeared From School, Rape, Acid Attack, Body Mutilated

Bihar: Cut off four fingers, burnt with acid;  Bihar: Brutal Murder Of Girl Child In Vaishali, Disappeared From School, Rape, Acid Attack, Body Mutilated

Police of Jandaha police station is investigating. – Photo: Social Media Expansion The dead body of a 9-year-old girl, who went missing four days ago from her house in Jandaha police station area of ​​Vaishali, was recovered from behind her own house. A strong foul smell was emanating from the dead body. The grandfather of the deceased girl told that his granddaughter used to study in fourth standard. She had gone to school 4 days ago but did not return home. Searched a lot but couldn’t find it. Got goosebumps…

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