health tips how many days can you survive without water know dehydration side effects

Water Intake : Water is a necessity for the human body. A certain amount of water helps the body to function properly. Life cannot be imagined without it. A person can survive for many days without food but it is difficult without water. In such a situation, a question arises that how many days can a person live without water (Life Without Water), what can happen due to lack of water. Let us know in detail… what happens due to lack of waterWhen a person’s body is dehydrated, he feels…

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How does a person die due to heat stroke? Know what happens to the body during a heat wave?

News of deaths due to extreme heat and heatwave are coming in every day across the country. So far, 43 people have lost their lives due to extreme heat across the country. 32 people have died in Bihar due to this heat. Extreme heat has a dangerous effect on our brain. It becomes very difficult for the body to bear it. It has a bad effect on the brain For your information, let us tell you that when a person comes in contact with the brain and neurons, then the…

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health tips dehydration symptoms symptoms of lack of water in the body in hindi

Signs of dehydration : It is extremely hot. The temperature in many places is crossing 45 degrees. Due to the heat, there is a lack of water in the body, which can be dangerous. This can cause heat stroke. Experts say that lack of water in the body can be easily detected by urine. Change in the color of urine can be a sign of dehydration. In such a situation, one should avoid ignoring these signs. According to medical science, 30 percent of our body is liquid and the remaining…

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What are the symptoms of low water in the body, read the full article in Hindi

When the body does not get water as per its requirement, the body starts lacking water and then people become victims of dehydration. Many people believe that feeling more thirsty means that there is a lack of water in the body. But we will tell you in detail what are the symptoms that appear when there is a lack of water in the body. These are some of the symptoms that appear when there is a lack of water in the body Persistent headaches If you are constantly having severe…

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why you should take shorter showers during a heatwave read full article in hindi

There is severe heat in North India. The Indian Meteorological Department has issued a red alert in the entire North India for the next few days. To keep the body cool during the heat wave, people prefer to drink cold water or take a long bath so that the body remains cool. But if we believe the experts, doing this is absolutely wrong because it is not good for health. These problems occur due to bathing during heat wave He said that taking a short bath also helps in preventing…

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health tips difference between dehydration and heat dehydration know side effects

Dehydration : The scorching sun and hot winds have increased the troubles. Heat wave alert has been issued in many states. Due to heat wave, the energy of the body starts decreasing. Due to continuous sweating, there is a lack of water in the body, which is called dehydration. Due to this, the throat and mouth start drying, dryness starts in the eyes, fatigue or dizziness is felt. Dehydration causes gradual damage to the body. It also affects the brain. The risk of heat dehydration also increases in the summer…

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Difference between ors and electoral powder health tips

Ors And Electral Powder: In case of vomiting, diarrhea or dehydration, doctors often recommend drinking ORS solution or electrolyte water. Electrolyte sachets are so common that they are present in almost every household. When there is a severe shortage of water in the body, electrolyte water or ORS solution is drunk. But are these two things the same? Do you know the difference between these two? Many people do not even know which is better between ORS solution and electrolyte water. If you do not know, then know today what…

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in summer if you suffer diarrhea and dehydration then try these home tips

It is scorching heat. From the mountains to the plains, everything is scorching and people’s health is deteriorating very quickly due to this heat. Due to excessive sweating during the summer season, the body quickly becomes a victim of dehydration. Apart from this, diarrhea also occurs frequently in this season. Diarrhea causes vomiting and diarrhea due to which there is deficiency of water and nutrients in the body. Due to extreme heat, stale food, bacteria-rich food or spicy food, vomiting and diarrhea occur and the body becomes weaker than before.…

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If you want to avoid heat stroke and dehydration, then include these things in your diet, you will get tremendous coolness.

At present, summer is wreaking havoc on people in its fiercest form. The temperature is crossing 45 and in such a situation, getting out of the house has become a big challenge. In such a situation, the worst effect is on your health. People are falling victim to heat stroke and everyone is becoming victim of dehydration. To maintain good health during this summer season, it is important to include such things in your diet which will ensure that there is no shortage of water in your body and your…

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Drinking too much water is also dangerous, it can cost your life, be careful

During summer, one feels very thirsty due to sweating. People keep drinking water continuously to avoid dehydration. Health experts also recommend drinking water, but many times people drink too much water to quench their thirst, which can be dangerous (Excess Water Side Effects). This habit can even lead to death. This can cause water toxicity, which is considered fatal. Therefore one should never drink a lot of water at once. Know the disadvantages of drinking too much water during the day… After coming out from the sun in summer, the…

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