health tips how many days can you survive without water know dehydration side effects

Water Intake : Water is a necessity for the human body. A certain amount of water helps the body to function properly. Life cannot be imagined without it. A person can survive for many days without food but it is difficult without water. In such a situation, a question arises that how many days can a person live without water (Life Without Water), what can happen due to lack of water. Let us know in detail… what happens due to lack of waterWhen a person’s body is dehydrated, he feels…

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Drinking less water can cause damage to the body and serious diseases can trouble you.

Dehydration: Due to lack of water the body may become tired. Due to this the body can become vulnerable to many serious diseases. It is not able to function properly and many physical changes may also occur. Actually, if the body does not get proper amount of water, the first problem is dehydration. When the water in the body becomes less than the required amount, problems start occurring. This leads to imbalance in electrolytes. Due to which problems like dizziness, confusion, fast heartbeat and fainting can occur. In such a…

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