health tips dehydration symptoms symptoms of lack of water in the body in hindi

Signs of dehydration : It is extremely hot. The temperature in many places is crossing 45 degrees. Due to the heat, there is a lack of water in the body, which can be dangerous. This can cause heat stroke. Experts say that lack of water in the body can be easily detected by urine. Change in the color of urine can be a sign of dehydration. In such a situation, one should avoid ignoring these signs. According to medical science, 30 percent of our body is liquid and the remaining…

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8 signs indicate that there is water deficiency in your body, know what to do

Adequate amount of water is needed for the body to function properly. Due to lack of water, problem of dehydration occurs. Due to which many types of problems can occur. Therefore, one should keep drinking the right amount of water from time to time. Signs of lack of water in the body start appearing already. If these symptoms are understood then the problem of dehydration can be eliminated in time. Otherwise you may have to go to the doctor. Know what are the signs of lack of water in the…

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Drinking less water can cause damage to the body and serious diseases can trouble you.

Dehydration: Due to lack of water the body may become tired. Due to this the body can become vulnerable to many serious diseases. It is not able to function properly and many physical changes may also occur. Actually, if the body does not get proper amount of water, the first problem is dehydration. When the water in the body becomes less than the required amount, problems start occurring. This leads to imbalance in electrolytes. Due to which problems like dizziness, confusion, fast heartbeat and fainting can occur. In such a…

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Dehydration Symptoms Are Seen When There Is A Shortage Of Water In Summer

Dehydration Symptoms: The importance of water can be understood from the fact that there is up to 60 percent water in the human body. Doctors or health experts advise people to drink 7 to 8 glasses of water a day. This advice shows how precious water is for the human body. In winter as water does not come out through sweat or other means. That’s why people drink less water. On the other hand, during the day in summer, a lot of water comes out from the body through sweat.…

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