
health tips how many days can you survive without water know dehydration side effects

Water Intake : Water is a necessity for the human body. A certain amount of…

How does a person die due to heat stroke? Know what happens to the body during a heat wave?

News of deaths due to extreme heat and heatwave are coming in every day across…

health tips dehydration symptoms symptoms of lack of water in the body in hindi

Signs of dehydration : It is extremely hot. The temperature in many places is crossing…

What are the symptoms of low water in the body, read the full article in Hindi

When the body does not get water as per its requirement, the body starts lacking…

why you should take shorter showers during a heatwave read full article in hindi

There is severe heat in North India. The Indian Meteorological Department has issued a red…

health tips difference between dehydration and heat dehydration know side effects

Dehydration : The scorching sun and hot winds have increased the troubles. Heat wave alert…

Difference between ors and electoral powder health tips

Ors And Electral Powder: In case of vomiting, diarrhea or dehydration, doctors often recommend drinking…

in summer if you suffer diarrhea and dehydration then try these home tips

It is scorching heat. From the mountains to the plains, everything is scorching and people's…

If you want to avoid heat stroke and dehydration, then include these things in your diet, you will get tremendous coolness.

At present, summer is wreaking havoc on people in its fiercest form. The temperature is…

Drinking too much water is also dangerous, it can cost your life, be careful

During summer, one feels very thirsty due to sweating. People keep drinking water continuously to…