8 signs indicate that there is water deficiency in your body, know what to do

Adequate amount of water is needed for the body to function properly. Due to lack of water, problem of dehydration occurs. Due to which many types of problems can occur. Therefore, one should keep drinking the right amount of water from time to time. Signs of lack of water in the body start appearing already. If these symptoms are understood then the problem of dehydration can be eliminated in time. Otherwise you may have to go to the doctor. Know what are the signs of lack of water in the…

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Paul Alexander who lived in an iron lung for 70 years after surviving polio passes away

Paul Alexander, also known as Polio Paul, has died at the age of 78. Paul Alexander’s close friend Daniel Spinks said that Paul died in a Dallas hospital. He was infected with Covid a few days ago after which he was admitted to the hospital. At present, the clear cause of his death has not been given. Now the question arises that why is Paul Alexander so special and is being discussed everywhere. After the death of Paul Alexander, there is a lot of discussion about iron lungs. Let us…

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Drinking less water can cause damage to the body and serious diseases can trouble you.

Dehydration: Due to lack of water the body may become tired. Due to this the body can become vulnerable to many serious diseases. It is not able to function properly and many physical changes may also occur. Actually, if the body does not get proper amount of water, the first problem is dehydration. When the water in the body becomes less than the required amount, problems start occurring. This leads to imbalance in electrolytes. Due to which problems like dizziness, confusion, fast heartbeat and fainting can occur. In such a…

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Health Tips Know How To Avoid Dehydration During Shopping In Summer

Dehydration: The heat waves are increasing day by day. The season of weddings is going on, so a lot of shopping is also happening in this season. People are reaching the market in the day itself to buy new clothes and other items. In such a situation, there is a danger of dehydration (Shopping Dehydration). Shopping for a long time in summer is quite a challenge. Today we have brought some special tips for you, with the help of which you can shop in summer without any hassle. What to…

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Health Benefits Of Eating Ridge Gourd

Ridge Gourd: Eating green vegetables in the summer season has its own benefits. Although all green vegetables are beneficial for health, but a vegetable found in summer, which we know as zucchini or zucchini, is more beneficial than other vegetables. Please tell that zucchini is a member of the gourd’s family. It is a very low-calorie vegetable and is rich in fiber, which makes it a superfood. Apart from this, a good source of iron magnesium, potassium is also found in it. According to experts, eating it has a very…

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What Is The Primary Symptom Of Dehydration Which Drink Is Not Good In Summer

Dehydration Prevention Tips: Lack of water in the body is called dehydration. More than 70 percent of our body is made up of fluid. That’s why water is very important for our body. If water retention in the body persists for a long time and you are not able to identify it on the basis of initial symptoms, then conditions ranging from lack of energy to heart attack are created. Because due to lack of water, the nerves tissues and arteries shrink, due to which the flow of blood increases…

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Easiest Way To Stay Healthy During This Summer Best And Easy Health Tips For Old Age And Children

How To Stay Fit: Staying healthy is a bigger challenge than ever before! Perhaps not even when humans did not know how to do farming. Because at that time also the fruits-leaves-vegetables-meat etc. used to be eaten were completely natural. Means food may have been available less but whatever was there was natural and nutritional. Whereas in today’s time, almost everything has been adulterated. Everything from water to soil has come under the grip of pesticides. In such a situation, one or two things which are completely pure even today,…

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Excessive Intake Of Lemon Juice Water Can Be Harmful For Health

Lemon Water Side Effects: Lemon water is very beneficial for health. To get relief from the heat in the summer season, people consume lemon water a lot. This keeps the body hydrated. Weight can also be controlled and helps in curing problems related to digestion, but do you know that drinking lemon water can also harm you. If you are consuming a lot of lemonade in summer or drinking lemonade blindly for weight loss, then you should also know its side effects. So let’s know the disadvantages caused by this.…

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What Is The Connection In Between High Blood Pressure And Water Intake How To Control High Bp Problem In Hindi

High blood pressure: There are many reasons like eating more salt or not getting enough sleep, which make a patient of high BP. But drinking less water can also become the reason for high blood pressure, this thing is very surprising. Because now a large population of the world has come under the grip of high blood pressure. Especially after Corona, the problem of high BP is being seen a lot among the youth. What is the relationship between water and blood pressure, you must know about it so that…

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When You Drink Excessive Amounts Of Water Effects On Brain And Body Sodium Lavel

Half of the human body is made up of water. This is the reason why doctors always ask to drink more and more water. This is the reason why we feel thirsty. By drinking water, the temperature of our body remains under control and there is no problem of dehydration. Dieticians or health experts always recommend that three liters of water should be drunk throughout the day. However, it should also be kept in mind that drinking too much water can also harm your health. That’s why it is also…

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