The dates for Delhi Assembly elections have been announced. Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar announced the election dates in a press conference. He told that voting will be conducted simultaneously for all the 70 assembly seats of Delhi. Voting will take place here on 5th February and counting of votes will be done on 8th February. Along with this, he said that with the announcement of election dates, the code of conduct has been implemented in Delhi. Strict action will be taken against those who violate the code of conduct.…
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What are Form-6 and Form-17, know how important they are in Delhi Assembly
The dates of Delhi Assembly elections have been announced. According to the Election Commission, elections will be held for all 70 assembly seats of Delhi in a single phase. Voting will take place here on 5th February and counting of votes will take place on 8th February, meaning the results will also be released on the same day. With the announcement of the dates of Delhi Assembly elections, Aam Aadmi Party as well as opposition parties have started preparations. All parties are very concerned about Form 17C and Form 6.…
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