Jacqueline Connection With Sukesh: Actress Jacqueline Fernandez on Wednesday told a Delhi court in the Rs 200 crore extortion case involving Sukesh Chandrasekhar that Chandrasekhar played with her emotions and made her life a “hell”. In the ongoing case in the Patiala House court, the actress claimed that Sukesh’s aide Pinky Irani introduced herself as ‘a government official’ and told him that she was taking him for a ride in a car. According to Jacqueline’s statement, Sukesh had introduced himself as the owner of Sun TV and claimed that (late…
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Delhi: Charges have not been framed but Man has been serving Jail Sentence for Nine Years, Court asks NIA what is the issue.
Delhi High Court Photo: ANI The Delhi High Court on Friday sought the response of the National Investigation Agency (NIA) on the bail plea of an accused who has been in jail for over nine years in a case registered under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act. The detainee has alleged that due to the delay in the trial, he has to remain in jail without trial. Not only this, the charges in the case have not been framed yet. Manzar Imam, an alleged operative of the Indian Mujahideen, was arrested…
Read MoreDelhi: Delhi Court’s Comment- Being Soft in the Crimes of Dowry Death Is Violation of Justice Says Delhi Court
hear the news hear the news A Delhi court has said that going lenient in the crime of dowry death amounts to miscarriage of justice. The court made this remark while convicting husband Amarjit, accused of killing his wife. The court was hearing a case against Amarjeet who was accused of strangling his wife on October 5, 2017. According to the prosecution, the accused married the victim in December 2012 and thereafter started torturing her continuously for dowry. The court said, the prosecution cannot establish beyond reasonable doubt its case…
Read MoreCharges Of Corruption Will Be Fixed On Three Including The Chairperson Of The Women Commission In Delhi
DCW chief Swati Maliwal Photo: File photo listen to the news listen to the news The court has ordered framing of charges of corruption and criminal conspiracy against Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) Chairperson Swati Maliwal and three others. Besides Maliwal, there is sufficient evidence to prosecute former commission members Promila Gupta, Sarika Chowdhary and Farheen Malik, the court said. All are accused of appointing AAP workers in the Commission by misusing their position. Now Delhi BJP has become an aggressor regarding Swati Maliwal regarding this issue. BJP leader Tajinder…
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