Can cloudburst occur in Delhi know science what is cloudburst weather update facts

Can cloudburst occur in Delhi know science what is cloudburst weather update facts

in the country’s capital, Delhi 28th July the rain that fell on 88 broke the record of the year, You can guess how much it rained from the fact that there was waterlogging at many places, At some places, people lost their lives due to drowning in water.. After this, there was heavy rain in Delhi on 31st July also. Now it is believed that clouds had burst in Delhi, Due to which such a situation arose, Let us know what the Meteorological Department says about this and whether a…

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Weather: Bad weather on the mountains… 4 killed in Jammu-Kashmir and 2 in Himachal, forecast of rain in Delhi today – Bad Weather On The Mountains… Forecast Of Rain In Delhi Today

Weather: Bad weather on the mountains… 4 killed in Jammu-Kashmir and 2 in Himachal, forecast of rain in Delhi today – Bad Weather On The Mountains… Forecast Of Rain In Delhi Today

Expansion Normal life has been affected in the mountains due to the storm and rain. Four people died in Jammu and Kashmir and two in Himachal Pradesh due to falling trees due to the storm. At the same time, crops have also been damaged. The Meteorological Department has predicted partly cloudy sky and light rain in Delhi on Friday as well. During this, dusty winds will blow at a speed of 30-40 kilometers per hour. In Himachal Pradesh, two people have died due to falling trees in Una and stones…

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