Celebrity masterchef farah khan commented on holi fir registered against her by Hindustani bhau aka vikash fhatak annn

Celebrity masterchef farah khan commented on holi fir registered against her by Hindustani bhau aka vikash fhatak annn

Farah Khan:Bollywood film maker and choreographer Farah Khan is hosting the cooking show celebrity master chef these days. During the show, he made objectionable remarks about the Hindu festival Holi, after which he has to be very trolled. A police complaint has also been lodged against Farah Khan, alleging hurting religious sentiments. Case filed against Farah KhanFamous Vikas Gate in the name of Hindustani Bhau has filed a complaint against Farah Khan through his lawyer, Advocate Ali Kashif Khan Deshmukh. According to the latest reports, a complaint was lodged at…

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Farmers will become rich by growing three expensive vegetable

Farmers will become rich by growing three expensive vegetable

Agricultural experts also always advise farmers to cultivate these types of crops and vegetables, which always get good price in the market and demand is also high. If you want to earn big money from farming by putting less money, then we will give you a very good business idea, after doing this you can soon become a millionaire. Vegetable growing business is a business in which the cost is also low and thick earnings can also be made in a short time, their price in the market is Rs…

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What did Nokia company make before making mobiles history

What did Nokia company make before making mobiles history

In today’s time, whenever a person takes the name of Nokia, the sound or picture of a mobile phone starts being heard or seen in the person’s mind., In today’s time, Nokia is completely connected with mobile phones., However, very few people know that Nokia company was started long before the advent of mobile phones., The story of Nokia is quite interesting, Let us know how a small company became one of the largest mobile companies in the world and what this company used to make before that., Also read:…

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how does a state get the status of a full state Know how possible this is in the case of Kashmir

how does a state get the status of a full state Know how possible this is in the case of Kashmir

The people of Jammu and Kashmir have elected their government. National Conference leader Omar Abdullah is the first Chief Minister after Jammu and Kashmir became a Union Territory. Abdullah had earlier held the post of Chief Minister from January 2009 to January 2015. His party had promised in the elections to restore Article 370 and full statehood to Jammu and Kashmir. In such a situation, let us know whether Jammu and Kashmir can get the status of a full state? And how is a state given the status of a…

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which country has the largest number of roads in the world and at what number does our India come facts

which country has the largest number of roads in the world and at what number does our India come facts

How widespread is the road network in the world?, This is an interesting question, Roads play an important role not only for transportation but also for the development and economic activities of a country., In such a situation, let us know which country has the maximum number of roads in the world and what is the position of India in this matter., Also read: What happens if the parachute does not open during sky diving, how is the diver’s life saved? World In roads Of Net different from the world,Density…

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How much weight can any person in the world lift at one go know what science says

How much weight can any person in the world lift at one go know what science says

Among all the games in Paris Olympic Games, there is a lot of craze for weightlifting game. Most of the people around the world like to watch weightlifting game. But while watching weightlifting game, do you also think that how much maximum weight can a person lift in one go? Today we will tell you how much weight any person can lift in one go. Weightlifting In weightlifting games, you must have seen that players lift a lot of weight. But does it ever come to your mind that how…

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sleeping in a bra will not make your breasts perkier or prevent them from getting saggy

sleeping in a bra will not make your breasts perkier or prevent them from getting saggy

You must have heard the elderly women around you saying that one must wear a bra otherwise the body starts looking bad. Wearing a bra keeps the body in shape. Not only this, it keeps the breast in shape as well as improves the personality so that you look good. Often women are confused about whether they should wear a bra while sleeping at night or not? Some women sleep without bra at night while some women sleep with bra on at night. Women believe that sleeping with bra on…

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