Devika Rani Birth Anniversary first dream girl of Hindi Cinema movies husband unknown facts

Devika Rani Birth Anniversary first dream girl of Hindi Cinema movies husband unknown facts

Devika Rani Birth Anniversary: Although Indian cinema was started by Dadasaheb Phalke in the year 1913, but with time, some things happened which were completely new. An outspoken actress came to Indian cinema who did not express any objection in doing any scene. In the era when women were not even allowed to study, she studied abroad and created many records in Indian cinema. Yes, we are talking about Devika Rani, famous as the first dream girl and first lady of Indian cinema. Who gave the first ‘First Kiss’ and…

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The First Lady of Indian Cinema Devika Rani Who gave first kissing scene know about her

The First Lady of Indian Cinema Devika Rani Who gave first kissing scene know about her

The First Lady of Indian Cinema: In today’s times, seeing ‘kissing scenes’ has become very common. When the same thing was shown in the movies of the 90’s, the elders in the house would change the channel or start talking here and there to change the topic. This was also because people were not as open at that time as they are today. Now just imagine, if the first kissing scene was shown in a film released in 1934, what would be the condition of those who watched it? Yes,…

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