Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti in Hindi: According to the Garuda Purana, after death, the merits and demerits done by a person during his lifetime are accounted for. After this, according to the deeds, the soul of the deceased gets a place in heaven or hell. It has been told in Garuda Purana that the person who does virtuous deeds during his lifetime and never hurts anyone, such pious souls get a place in heaven after death. On the other hand, the sinful souls who commit sins have to face…
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Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu Nithi Know These Things About Life Partner Before Marriage
Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti in Hindi: If you are marriageable or you are going to get married soon, then you must know some things about your future life partner before marriage. If you come to know about these things first, then your married life will be happy. Many mysterious things related to a happy and successful life have been told in the Garuda Purana book. But generally people consider it a book to be read only after death. But in Garuda Purana, along with death, salvation, sin-virtue, heaven, hell…
Read MoreGaruda Purana Know Why Destroyed Good Luck Health Friends And Knowledge In Life
Garuda Purana, Lord Vishnu Niti in Hindi: Many books, Vedas and Puranas have been written about Hindu religion. But Garuda Purana is considered important in all the Puranas. The reason for this is that, it is such a book in which not only life but death and the events after death have been explained in detail. Along with this, things related to knowledge, religion and ethics have also been told in Garuda, following which people lead a happy life and attain salvation after death. Along with this, some things related…
Read MoreGaruda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti Reborn Not Immediately After Death Know Soul Rebirth Facts
Garuda Purana, Lord Vishnu Niti in Hindi: It is mentioned in the Vedas and Puranas that whoever is born on earth, his death is certain and no one can change it. But after death only the body is mortal and the soul is immortal. According to Garuda Purana, the body is destroyed after death. That’s why he is cremated. But the soul is Ajar-Amar, which never gets destroyed. Rather, it leaves one body and takes birth in a new body. It is mentioned in the Gita that, the way a…
Read MoreGaruda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti These Qualities People Enjoy Heaven And Born Again In Earth
Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti: In Garuda Purana, an important religious book of Hinduism, birth, death, sin-virtue like karma, heaven and hell as well as rebirth etc. have been explained in detail. It has been said in the Garuda Purana that in which birth a person will be born after death and after death he will have to suffer in hell or will get a place in heaven, it depends on the deeds of the person. The soul with bad deeds goes to hell or Pitrlok. Whereas the souls of…
Read MoreGaruda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti Know What Form You Will Be Reborn After Death
Garuda Purana, Lord Vishnu Niti: According to religious scriptures, our birth in this world as a human being is based on our deeds and our next birth will also be on the basis of our deeds. According to Garuda Purana, a person’s next birth is based on his good or bad deeds. Regarding death, Lord Krishna says in the Gita that birth and death are such a cycle of life that everyone has to pass through. That’s why the one who is born in this world, his death is also…
Read MoreGaruda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti Know Why Mundan After Death Of Family
Garuda Purana, Funeral Rituals in Hindi: In Hinduism, many customs and rites are performed from birth to death. Even after death, many rituals are performed for 13 days for the peace of the soul of the deceased. One of the many rules to be followed in the funeral is to shave the head of men. In a Hindu family, when a member of the family dies, the male members of the family get their heads shaved. Garuda Purana explains the reason and importance of shaving the heads of male members…
Read MoreGaruda Purana Death Does Not Come Suddenly These Signs Are Found Before Death Flames Are Also Visible
Garuda Purana, Lord Vishnu Niti: The Garuda Purana book is such a book of Sanatan Hinduism, in which special aspects related to life-death including sin-virtue, heaven-hell and ethics-rules have been explained. Usually this book is recited at home for 13 days after the death of a relative. Death is an unchanging truth. That’s why it is said that the death of the creature that is born in the world is also certain. But death does not come suddenly. Rather, before death the dying person receives some signs from God. It…
Read MoreGaruda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti Know Soul Yamlok Journey After Death
Garuda Purana, Lord Vishnu Niti: Death is an unchanging truth. The death of every living being born in the world is certain. It has also been said in the scriptures that one who has taken birth in this world will have to leave this world one day or the other. It has been said about death in the Gita that no one can destroy the soul. The soul is ajar and immortal. Neither fire can burn it, nor water can wet it, nor wind can dry it. Now the question…
Read MoreGaruda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti These Important Thing Can Change Your Life
Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti: In the Garuda Purana book, it has been told about the fruits obtained on the basis of deeds. Along with death, heaven and hell, inspiration of knowledge is also found in this book. Along with this, many important rules related to life have been told in the Garuda Purana, following which people live life easily and after death the soul of such people gets salvation. Let us know about the important things mentioned by Lord Vishnu in Garuda Purana. It has been told in Garuda…
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