health tips using smartphone at midnight increases risk of type 2 diabetes study

Smartphone Risk: If you have a habit of using your smartphone at midnight, change it immediately, otherwise you are bound to get diabetes. This has been claimed in a study. It has been told that light at night disturbs sleep. Due to which the risk of diabetes increases. This study states that any kind of artificial light falling on the eyes at night can be dangerous. The risk of getting Type 2 Diabetes is very high from midnight to 6 am. Let’s know what has been said in this study……

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health tips diabetes cure through cell therapy first time in china

Diabetes : If everything goes well, the day is not far when diabetes will no longer be an incurable disease. You will not have to worry about controlling it. Chinese scientists have done such a miracle. For the first time in the world, a patient’s diabetes has been cured by cell therapy. This feat was achieved by a team from the Center for Excellence in Molecular Cell Science under Shanghai Changzheng Hospital and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Renji Hospital in Shanghai. The research was published in the journal…

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Diabetes: This fruit is a boon for diabetes patients, consuming it daily will have many benefits in a few days

It is very important for diabetes patients to take care of their diet. Especially in summer, sugar patients should consume some fruits that can keep their sugar level equal. Many times the sugar level either decreases or increases, due to which patients have to face a lot of problems. But now there is nothing to worry about. Today we will tell you about one such fruit, by consuming which diabetes patients can control their blood sugar level. Let’s know about that fruit. Benefits of Phalsa fruit Phalsa is a sweet…

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Consume curry leaves like this…diseases will not wander anywhere! This trick is very useful

You must have heard about curry leaves. Mostly it is used to enhance the taste of food. But do you know that by consuming it we can get rid of many serious problems. Curry leaves are bitter to eat. But it is beneficial for health. In this report, we will tell you what are the benefits of its consumption. Benefits of curry leaves This leaf, which enhances the taste of food, is very beneficial for health. Let us know about its benefits. Elements like anti-oxidants, fiber, vitamins, iron, calcium are…

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black neck causes harmful disease in human body

It has become very difficult to find time for yourself in this busy life. In such a situation, we are not able to take care of both body and health, due to which many problems start occurring. Due to this, people’s neck starts turning black. One reason for this could be not maintaining cleanliness. But do you know that this reason can put you in danger? In today’s report we will tell you that black neck indicates many diseases. blackness in neck Actually, people often get blackness in their neck.…

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grapes for diabetes to eat or not to eat

Grapes contain natural sugar and also contain antioxidants. Which makes the body anti-inflammatory and capable of fighting free radicals. But is it right to eat grapes in diabetes? If yes then how much quantity should be eaten? If a person is suffering from type-2 diabetes, he should make special changes in his lifestyle. So that the sugar level in the blood remains under control. Not only this, one should avoid eating sweet dishes or sweets. Diabetic patients are advised to eat seasonal fruits and vegetables and fresh ones. When it…

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know diabetes patients can eat star fruit or not learn benefits and risks

People make many efforts to get good health. In such situations, they also consume juices, powders and medicines. Anything in excess is harmful for health. But there are some fruits which you can avoid diseases by including in your diet. It is the only fruit which you can consume to keep yourself healthy. We are talking about star fruit, it is also known as Kamarkha. consume like this Wash the star fruit with lukewarm water and clean it thoroughly, then cut it into fine pieces or eat it by mixing…

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These 3 spices are miracles for diabetic patients, blood sugar will be controlled, there is a treasure hidden in the kitchen boxes.

3 Super Spices For Diabetic Patient: Diabetes is such a lifestyle related disease, which once it occurs, remains with it for life. In such a situation, it becomes very important for all diabetic patients to keep their blush sugar level regular. Excessive increase or irregularity of blood sugar level can increase many types of complications. Lifestyle and healthy diet play an important role in controlling type-2 diabetes. Today we are going to tell you about three such spices, which are lying in the boxes of your kitchen, but they can…

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Diabetes: If you never want to become a patient of ‘diabetes’, then stop eating these 6 things from today itself.

Bad lifestyle and food have imposed many diseases on people these days. Whether cholesterol, what blood pressure, what heart disease and what diabetes, you will find hundreds of patients of all these diseases around you. Nowadays the disease which has started spreading rapidly is diabetes. Diabetes patients are increasing day by day. According to the World Health Organization, around 422 million people are suffering from high blood sugar in the whole world. Of these, 1.5 million deaths occur every year due to diabetes. On the other hand, if we talk…

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Health Tips Know How To Control Blood Sugar Level Diabetes In Hindi

Diabetes Treatment: Today a large number of people are in the grip of diabetes. Whether young or old, people of all ages are troubled by diabetes. This disease occurs due to deterioration of blood sugar level. It also brings many problems. When the pancreas stops making insulin hormone, then insulin injections are needed to control the blood sugar of a diabetic patient. Many times the sugar level remains above 300 even in spite of insulin, better diet and exercise. What should be done in such a situation, let us know…

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