drinking milk tea unlimited cause major harm to the body chai ke nuksaan

It is fun if the day starts with tea. There are many people whom we call tea lovers. India is a country where people’s day starts with tea. There are many people here who consume tea not only in the morning and evening but throughout the day. If you are also included among these people, then this news is for you. Let us tell you that excessive consumption of tea gives rise to serious diseases in our body. Disadvantages of Tea People become happy as soon as they hear the…

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How Much Tea Is Too Much Side Effects Of Excess Tea Consumption

Tea Side Effects On Body: There are people crazy about drinking tea in the country and the world. Many people’s day is not complete without drinking tea. Caffeine and tannin are found in tea and coffee. As soon as you drink tea or coffee, you immediately feel energy due to caffeine and tannins. Gradually this tea has become an addiction. Dr. Vikas Kumar of AIIMS has shared a post on his Instagram. In this post he wrote that this post can make tea lovers sad. Because in this he has…

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How Much Tea Should You Drink In A Day That Doesn’t Harm Your Health

If you are a tea lover, then this is the first thing that comes to your mind after waking up in the morning. Don’t know how many people like to sip tea with the news published in the newspaper in the morning. There are some people who get only ‘yes’ answer every time they are asked for tea. But do you know that drinking too much tea can prove to be harmful for your health? If you drink 5-6 cups or more of tea daily without taking care of your…

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What Happens If You Drink Tea On An Empty Stomach

‘Leave the worries of the world, friend, let’s go have tea at some nook.’ Actually, I am writing these quotes because most of the Indians are tea lovers. Some people cannot sleep without tea, while there are others who have the habit of drinking tea every hour. Who would not like pakodas with tea in the rain, sometimes people even express their love on tea tapri, we Indians are so fond of tea. You can guess from this that here you will definitely find a tea shop in every street,…

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