Weight in banana peel and its benefits for health losing weight

Weight in banana peel and its benefits for health losing weight

Banana Peel Benefits: We all eat bananas with great enthusiasm. This is the favorite fruit of many people. But do you know that like fort, banana also has many benefits. Although we eat bananas, we always throw the banana peel in the waste basket. Have you ever wondered how much a banana peel weighs? Normally, an average banana weighs between 120-150 grams, and about 30-35 percent of this weight is just the peel. That means the weight of the peel in a 120 gram banana can be around 36-42 grams.…

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Does Eating A Banana Before Bed Help You Sleep

Does Eating A Banana Before Bed Help You Sleep

In Night Eating Bananas Good or Bad: Banana is called superfood. You must have heard many health experts saying that eating banana on an empty stomach in the morning is very beneficial for health. But if you eat this banana at night, will it be beneficial or harmful? For your information, let us tell you that bananas contain a lot of calories which keep the body energized throughout the day. Along with this, potassium, magnesium, vitamins, carbohydrate, protein are available in abundance in it. Many types of minerals are also…

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