11 year old girl died after eating pizza know its risk and complications

Pizza Sideeffects : Can eating pizza cause death? You will say how can this happen, pizza is very tasty and children also like it very much. But a shocking incident came to light from Texas city of America, where an 11-year-old girl ate pizza in school and after that she had such an allergic reaction that she died. So if you also want to take care of your children’s health and protect them from diseases, then stay away from pizza (side effects of Pizza) today itself. If children are insisting…

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habit of eating pizza is dangerous for body disadvantages of eating pizza

Everyone likes to eat pizza, it is available in many flavors in the market. This is a delicious dish, which people do not shy away from eating. But do you know that excessive consumption of pizza can have adverse effects on your health? Today we will tell you about its disadvantages. Pizza is a favorite food, which everyone from children to adults likes to eat. It also has many disadvantages. Pizza is made in more spicy and oil, due to which it contains more calories and it gives rise to…

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Pizza Recipe You Are Also A Pizza Lover So Make Quick Pizza At Home In This Way Children Will Become Your Fan

Pizza Recipe: Everyone’s mouth gets watery on hearing the name of pizza. Everyone looks for an opportunity to eat pizza when to order pizza. Everyone eats pizza by ordering it from outside. But today we will tell you how to make pizza at home, how you can easily make and eat pizza just like outside. So let’s know how you can make pizza at home… Make instant pizza like this at home To prepare pizza at home, first prepare a thick batter of gram flour. After this, put some oil,…

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