Attention ! Are you inviting death in the matter of taste, this thing present in the kitchen is the stuff of death made in Europe, WHO warned

Attention !  Are you inviting death in the matter of taste, this thing present in the kitchen is the stuff of death made in Europe, WHO warned

High Salt Foods: Solution is a law of nature, the one who follows this law always remains happy. The same rule works for food also. As long as something is balanced, you will remain healthy, as soon as the balance is disturbed, health problems start occurring. The more balanced the food is, the more healthy the body remains. There are many things in our kitchen which, if consumed in excess, can cause death. WHO has recently made a shocking revelation in a report. It has been told that every day…

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If you want to avoid high BP then avoid these foods, otherwise you will have to pay for it.

If you want to avoid high BP then avoid these foods, otherwise you will have to pay for it.

High-Sodium Foods: Nowadays, due to disturbances in eating habits, the problem of high BP has increased to a great extent. BP patients are advised to minimize salt intake. There are some foods which contain high amount of sodium (High-Sodium Foods). When these are consumed, blood pressure increases significantly. In such a situation, eating these foods should be avoided. Know here which foods contain more sodium… Avoid eating such foods According to health experts, salt is used in any soup. Sometimes the amount of salt becomes excessive. In such a situation,…

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Be careful if you eat too much salt because it can lead to a serious disease.

Be careful if you eat too much salt because it can lead to a serious disease.

If too much salt is added to the food then its taste gets spoiled and if too little is added then also the taste of the food gets spoiled. For your information, let us tell you that if the amount of salt increases in the body, many types of problems start occurring. If you also eat strong salt in your food, then be careful because it can make you seriously ill. ‘World Health Organization’ has issued alerts regarding salt several times. Table salt has high sodium content, which can cause…

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World Salt Awareness Week 2023 Excess Salt Could Be Dangerous For Health Know How Much Salt Should Be Taken.

World Salt Awareness Week 2023 Excess Salt Could Be Dangerous For Health Know How Much Salt Should Be Taken.

World Salt Awareness Week 2023: The more balanced your diet is, the healthier you are. Food should be tasty but also nutritious. Like vitamins, proteins and minerals in food, sodium ie salt is also very important. Salt is essential for our health, but if its quantity is high then it can also be dangerous. This is the reason why World Salt Awareness Week is celebrated every year from 14 to 20 March to make people aware about salt. The less salt, the more energy will remain in health Keeping control…

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