Sitting for a long time can cause many serious diseases in the body, know why it is necessary to walk in between?

Sitting for a long time can cause many serious diseases in the body, know why it is necessary to walk in between?

‘Physical activity’ is very important to keep yourself safe from diseases, even if you just make a habit of walking throughout the day. Sitting for hours at one place can cause many serious diseases in your body. Instead of sitting for many hours, doing small physical activities in a short while proves beneficial for health. Nowadays most of the office work is confined to laptop and computer only. This is the reason why people keep sitting in the same position continuously for hours. You should know that by sitting in…

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Sitting For Long Time Can Affect Your Memory And Backbone

Sitting For Long Time Can Affect Your Memory And Backbone

Long Sitting Side Effects And Their Prevention: It is compulsion to sit for hours in office work. Some people sit to work once and then remain frozen for hours. Due to this long sitting habit, shoulder and back pain starts. This is a common problem, but do you know that long sitting gives you as much trouble physically as it does mentally. New York’s Global Wellbeing Lead has done a research related to this. Shocking facts related to long sitting have emerged in the research itself. Not one but many…

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