Liquid methane rains on Saturn Titan hydrocarbon seas are present like Earth NASA Cassini made a big discovery

Liquid methane rains on Saturn Titan hydrocarbon seas are present like Earth NASA Cassini made a big discovery

NASA Cassini Research: NASA’s Cassini spacecraft has made a major discovery about Saturn’s moons. According to data received from Cassini, a sea of ​​hydrocarbons exists on Saturn’s moon Titan. Cassini has collected a lot of information about Saturn and its icy moon. Cassini’s mission ended in 2017 after diving into a huge ring, but the data it collected during its investigation over the last 13 years is now being researched. Cassini’s radar has given interesting information about the seas of liquid hydrocarbons on Titan’s surface. Saturn’s Titan is the second…

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‘Aliens have been attacking India for 3000 years’, new revelation in research, technology is much ahead of us…

‘Aliens have been attacking India for 3000 years’, new revelation in research, technology is much ahead of us…

Just imagine for once, there is an alien city somewhere far away in space and from there they are looking at our Earth through an advanced telescope. What can you see? Would they be able to see life, intelligence or civilization on our Earth? Will they be trying to contact us or will they try to quietly absorb? ZN Usmanov of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) in his ‘Are we visible to advanced alien civilizations’ (Are we visible to advanced alien civilizations?) It is written in the research, in…

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