what is onomatomania disease that actor naseeruddin shah is struggling with know symptoms and treatment

what is onomatomania disease that actor naseeruddin shah is struggling with know symptoms and treatment

Naseeruddin Shah Disease : Actor Naseeruddin Shah is 73 years old. Some time ago he revealed that he has a disease called onomatopoeia. Due to which it is not easy to remain normal. He becomes restless from time to time and keeps repeating his words again and again. Due to this disease, the patient keeps repeating his words or statements unnecessarily. Onomatomania can mean ‘fear or attachment to a single word’ or ‘frustration of not being able to think of a single word’. Some people also interpret this word to…

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Viagra prevent dementia may improve brain functions read full article in Hindi

Viagra prevent dementia may improve brain functions read full article in Hindi

People use Viagra to increase energy. But according to recent research, Viagra also reduces the risk of dementia. According to a recent study, Viagra increases blood flow in the brain of those people who are at a high risk of dementia. This medicine reduces the risk of memory-related disease. Scientists from Oxford University said in a research that it can prove to be a milestone in dealing with this disease. what is viagra Actually, consuming Viagra gives energy to men. It increases blood circulation. The effect of one Viagra pill…

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Snoring: Snoring can not only cause embarrassment but can also cause these 7 diseases, be careful.

Snoring: Snoring can not only cause embarrassment but can also cause these 7 diseases, be careful.

Snoring sometimes becomes a cause of embarrassment. Because of this the person sleeping nearby gets disturbed. Although snoring is a very common problem, sometimes it can become serious. Excessive snoring can also be a sign of serious health problems. In such a situation, it becomes necessary to get it treated on time. Snoring causes interruptions in sleep and makes you feel irritable. Lack of sleep also has a negative impact on health. In such a situation, let us know the reason for snoring and what diseases it can cause… Snoring…

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ICMR guidelines recommend sourcing of macronutrients and micronutrients from a minimum of eight food groups

ICMR guidelines recommend sourcing of macronutrients and micronutrients from a minimum of eight food groups

The Chief of ‘Indian Council of Medical Research’ (ICMR) on Wednesday issued guidelines regarding the food habits of Indians. He also said that the cause of more than half of the diseases is our wrong eating habits. Unhealthy diet is the cause of 57 percent of diseases in India. According to ICMR and Institute of Nutrition (NIN), due to poor eating habits, the risk of serious diseases like nutritional deficiency, anemia, obesity, diabetes, cancer has increased in the body. ICMR issued guidelines regarding food The catering guidelines have been shared…

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health tips summer diseases food poisoning typhoid eye infection prevention in hindi

health tips summer diseases food poisoning typhoid eye infection prevention in hindi

Summer Diseases: The heat is now scorching. It is scorching heat in many areas of the country. Such weather is not good for health at all. It can make you sick. Rising mercury is increasing the risk of many dangerous diseases. In such a situation, special care should be taken of health. Health experts say that the biggest problem in summer is dehydration i.e. lack of water in the body. Due to this, heart function can deteriorate and cause heart attack, which can also be fatal. The problem of dehydration…

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disadvantages of oil and spicy food it can harm your body know more

disadvantages of oil and spicy food it can harm your body know more

Often people prefer eating outside. Be it Chinese or South Indian people like spicy only. These days, the craze of eating spicy food has increased among everyone from children to old people. But do you know that eating too much oily and spicy food can prove dangerous for your health? Sometimes spicy food is okay, but consuming such food daily is harmful for health. Oil consumption is dangerous Often women increase the amount of oil while cooking, so that the food tastes delicious, but doing so can be very dangerous.…

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These 5 diseases are rare of the rarest in India, one in 10 thousand falls victim to them, they can become ‘fatal’

These 5 diseases are rare of the rarest in India, one in 10 thousand falls victim to them, they can become ‘fatal’

Rare Disease Day 2024: When our body’s immune system becomes weak, then many diseases can attack simultaneously. These diseases can be cured with treatment and medicines. However, some diseases are so serious that they cannot be treated and their cause and symptoms are not even known. Such diseases are kept in the list of rare diseases. To create awareness about such diseases, Rare Disease Day (Rare Disease Day 2024) is celebrated on 29 February. That’s why this special day was chosen This date comes only once in four years, hence…

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Disease This disease needs to be taken seriously. Although no one can predict when it will make people its victims, preparations should be made in advance so that one can protect oneself from it. The memories of the COVID-19 pandemic have not gone away from our minds even today, while now the discussion about Disease X has started. It is being said that this is a mysterious and fatal disease. Due to which various kinds of things are coming to light. But the question arises what is Disease X? Why…

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Five Diseases Spreads By Rat Look Like Cold Cough Never Ignore Them

Five Diseases Spreads By Rat Look Like Cold Cough Never Ignore Them

Rat Diseases: Are you also suffering from cold and cough for a long time and are ignoring it considering it to be an ordinary viral disease? So be careful, because this can be a serious disease spread by rats. Yes, rats not only spread filth, but they are animals that also promote many diseases. In such a situation, let us tell you today that these 5 diseases which look like common cold can be 5 serious diseases spread by rats, which look just like normal flu. leptospirosis Leptospirosis is a…

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Health Tips Wee Diseases Symptoms And Prevention In Hindi

Health Tips Wee Diseases Symptoms And Prevention In Hindi

WEE Disease: Along with Corona, now the havoc of another virus is being seen, which has increased the concern of WHO. This is a rare virus, which is said to be quite dangerous. In fact, Argentina’s International Health Regulations National Focal Point (IHR NFP) has informed WHO about a human case of Western Equine Encephalitis (WEE) infection. This is the first human case reported after two decades. Human cases of WEE were last reported in Argentina in 1982, 1983 and 1996. Let us know what is this rare virus and…

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