Womens day women health know about these most common diseases in women how to detect them

Women’s Health: Although maintaining good health is a priority for everyone, it is often seen that women become a little careless about their health while taking care of the family. However, women’s health is more complicated than that of men and that is why women need to take more care of their body to stay healthy. There are many diseases which are more vulnerable to women. Let us know today about those diseases of which women are the most victims. diseases common to women breast cancer Breast cancer is one…

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Women Health Problems Silent Killer Diseases That Affect Women

Silent Killer Diseases In Women: Most of the diseases are such that they go on increasing in a person’s body and they do not even get a clue about it. Not only in men but also in women many dangerous diseases come secretly. By the time these are detected, it is either too late or impossible to treat. Many diseases are ‘silent killers’ in women too. These diseases go on increasing in the body, but their symptoms are not visible quickly and even if they do appear, they are often…

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