How will burnt Indians be identified in Kuwait? Know what that test is

Kuwait is in the news these days due to a fire in a building in Mangaf. In this building 40 Including Indians 49 Laborers were working, who died in this accident. Some bodies have been burnt so badly that it is difficult to even identify them. The question then arises that how will these bodies be identified?

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Now we will be able to find evidence of the existence of aliens, scientists found clues in the meteorite, DNA will reveal all the secrets.

The search for aliens has continued for centuries. Scientists never fail to investigate any unique thing in which there is even the slightest doubt that it could be evidence of the existence of aliens. These also include meteorites that have fallen on Earth from space. Now they have made five special DNA findings in a meteorite, which may point towards the existence of aliens. Scientists have now studied some pieces of space rock to confirm whether there is life beyond our planet. These pieces of outer space debris fell on…

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Scientists will work in ‘Jurassic Park’ style, animals whose remains have not been found will be alive!

Scientists who have come close to resurrecting the dodo and mammoth have promised to bring more extinct animals back to the world. A company called Colossal Biosciences is already on its way to bringing back long-dead species like the Tasmanian tiger. But now, they’re also mining ancient DNA to revive entirely new species never found in the fossil record. The company’s Chief Science Officer, Professor Beth Shapiro, says that nature’s history, by its nature, is completely different from anything that exists today, so it is ripe for new discoveries. They…

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Super Baby: For the first time in history, a wonderful child born from DNA of 3 people, will not have genetic disease

It has been imagined for a long time whether such a child can be born, who does not have any genetic disease? Now the answer has been found. For the first time in the world, such a child has been born, who will not have any genetic disease. Nor will any harmful genetic mutation be seen in it. It would be possible to cure all diseases. It is being called the first SuperBaby. Actually, this child is born from the DNA of three people. Not only is the DNA of…

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Brazil 19 Year Old Girl Birth Twin Baby Having Different Father After Testing DNA

Brazilian Twins Baby: In Brazil, a 19-year-old girl had twins and since then the doctors are in a quandary. Actually it happened that a 19-year-old girl gave birth to twins, but the shocking thing is that the fathers of the twins turned out to be different. This came to know when the doctors did the DNA test of the children. After knowing about the fact of having a different father, the mother who gave birth to the twins was also stunned. He had never thought in his life that something…

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