Man dies from brain eating amoeba as he washes nose with tap water

Brain Eating Amoeba Killed Man: There are such species of animals in the world that even if they are around us, we would not be able to know. Generally insects are visible with our eyes but some creatures are so small that it is not possible to see them with naked eyes. There is one such parasite (Naegleria fowleri), which humans cannot see, but by mistake if it (Brain Eating Amoeba) finds shelter in our body, then it can also make a person sleep to death. I have read a…

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Do you know why there is an empty space in the middle of blade know interesting reason behind it

Why There is An Empty Space in the Middle of Blade: Man is curious by his nature, he definitely wants to know the reason behind everything. Sometimes things are so simple that there is no need to ask, but sometimes something comes in front of us, about which we do not have any idea. For example, why there is an extra button on the back of the shirt, why there is a hole in the cap of the pen or why this design is made in the middle of the…

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Our beloved ‘Samosa’ has been banned in this country! If made or eaten, you will be punished.

Why Samosa is Banned in Somalia: There is a special dish preferred as a snack in our country – Samosa (Samosa New Version). It is liked as street food in every corner of the country. If samosa is available at a cart, it is available for 5-10 rupees, but when the same samosa reaches the more expensive shops, its color changes. Not only this, the samosa on which we spend our lives, there is also a country where the same samosa has been subjected to a ban. Samosas are very…

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Know which country’s passport is the weakest, entry is available only in 27 countries!

Weakest Passport in the World: Passport is known as an important document all over the world. Passport is used to go abroad. It is used when there is some special work or if you want to go for a walk. Your passport is your identity in another country. In such a situation, let us tell you today that which country is there, whose passport does not give you any benefit. There are hundreds of countries in the world, some of which have very powerful passports and there are also some…

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