do you know

Which is the biggest village in India, do you know its name? Most people will not know!

India is called a country of villages. According to an estimate, even today about one-third…

Why WhatsApp Emojis are mostly yellow what is the reason behind this know details here

Why are emojis mostly yellow: Nowadays, everyone is aware of social media platforms WhatsApp, Facebook…

Do-you-know-you-can-see-the-aerial-view-of-Old-Delhi-from-the-sky-for-70-rupees – News18 Hindi

Gauhar/Delhi: Often when people come to Delhi by flight, the flight is over the city…

Which is the state of India where sunset occurs last? What do you know, otherwise read…

New Delhi. India is said to be a country full of diversity. There are many…

What is the meaning of red, green and blue marks on toothpaste, why are they made? Read before buying, it will help!

We keep seeing many types of things every day. But there is no information about…

Why is there a bat on the Bacardi bottle? Even drunkards will not know the answer, now it will be revealed

Alcohol is injurious to health. We all know this thing. But even after this many…

Most people do not know this thing about April Fool’s Day, why is this day special? Who started it and why?

Hearing the name of Fool's Day, you would feel that it is a day to…

The mongoose gets angry at the sight of a snake, what is the reason for this enmity? series going on for centuries

Why Snakes-Mongoose are Enemies: The enmity of humans is due to their interaction with each…