Dadi Nani Ki Baatein Why make fingerprint after making dough know reason as per Hindu Shastra

Dadi Nani Ki Baatein Why make fingerprint after making dough know reason as per Hindu Shastra

Grandmother’s care: We do many types of work in our daily routine, of which kneading flour is also one of them. Especially women have to do this work every day. In our scriptures, rules have been given for every work, because these works directly or indirectly affect life. These rules must be followed especially while working in the kitchen or while cooking food. Because in Hindu religion food is considered as Prasad. That’s why elders tell many rules regarding kitchen and cooking, of which kneading dough is also one of…

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What Are The Tips To Store Atta Dough For A Long Time

What Are The Tips To Store Atta Dough For A Long Time

In this modern run-of-the-mill lifestyle, taking a good diet is a big challenge in itself. Nowadays people are managing more and more office as well as home. In order to maintain balance in the work of both the places, many people settle the household chores in advance. For example, pre-cut the vegetables and keep them. Knead the dough and keep it in the fridge and use it as needed. For your information, let us tell you that due to these habits of yours, your health can also deteriorate. You would…

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