by astral travel in dreams you can go wherever you want know what it is

Astral Travel: Nowadays one word is being heard a lot among the people. Its name is astral travel. It is said that this is the process regarding astral travel. When your soul comes out of your body and you can roam wherever you want as per your wish. That means, in a way, you will remain lying on your bed but can roam around the city. That means you might be feeling as if you are dreaming. But whatever you are doing. Your soul is doing that in reality and…

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health tips benefits of washing feet before going to bed in hindi |

Dreams Myth: It is natural to feel tired after a long day’s work. Work pressure does not allow the body to sleep at night. Some people wash their face, hands and feet before sleeping. This makes one feel very relaxed. Due to this, germs do not breed on the bed. Experts also recommend that feet should be washed before sleeping at night. Actually, the legs bear the entire weight of the body. At the end of the day one feels stiffness in the legs. This happens not only due to…

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Do you also often have scary dreams, know what is the reason

  It is very common to have dreams while sleeping. Some dreams we remember and some dreams we forget. But many times we have nightmares at night, due to which we wake up or get scared. Scary or bad dreams are called nightmares. But if you have recurring nightmares and wake up due to your dreams, then there can be many reasons behind it. Today we will tell you about the reasons for having nightmares and how to avoid them.    Some experts say that due to excessive tension and…

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Do you know that your eyes move while dreaming, know why this happens?

Every person sees dreams… some see with open eyes and some see while sleeping. Sometimes even animals dream while sleeping. But do you know that when you are dreaming while sleeping then your eyes are fully active. Actually, whenever we are in a dream and are seeing something, we feel that we are living it in reality. If we get hurt in the dream, we feel that too, let us know why this happens. Why are our eyes active when we dream when our whole body is asleep. What the…

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