why do you look like old in young age know wrong lifestyle lack of water may cause faster aging poor hydration linked to chronic disease

why do you look like old in young age know wrong lifestyle lack of water may cause faster aging poor hydration linked to chronic disease

Everyone wants to look young forever. It is not possible according to nature, but sometimes you start looking older due to your own mistakes. It is directly connected to your lifestyle. Let us tell you which way of living makes you old before your age and find out if you also make such mistakes. Because of this, age increases quickly You will be surprised to know that due to a small mistake related to lifestyle, you start looking old fast. This mostly includes those people who do not drink water…

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Drinking Water: How should one drink water while standing or sitting? If you are confused then know the answer from the expert.

Drinking Water: How should one drink water while standing or sitting?  If you are confused then know the answer from the expert.

Best Way to Drink Water: Nowadays people are preferring to drink water in bottles. They gulp water while standing. Doing this is not at all considered good for health. It is said in Ayurveda that one should never drink water while standing or lying down, it has a bad effect on the digestive system and can also increase stomach problems. If  If you are drinking water while standing while walking, then be careful (How to Drink Water Correctly), because by drinking water in this position, you are playing with your health.…

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WHO says in distilled water is not good for health because lack of minerals and electrolytes

WHO says in distilled water is not good for health because lack of minerals and electrolytes

WHO (World Health Organization) has clearly stated that essential minerals are completely lost in pure water. Which are very important for the body. Due to which it can be said that water claiming 100 percent purity is dangerous for health. Let us know in detail how? How is clean water dangerous for health? It is also clear that if you want a healthy life, you will have to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Keeping this in mind, clean pure water or RO water is used in most of the houses. Because…

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You are doing skincare, but these habits are making you age prematurely

You are doing skincare, but these habits are making you age prematurely

It is said that with age comes wisdom, and with it also wrinkles. But do you know that there are some of our daily routine habits which make us look old before time? Yes, we knowingly or unknowingly make some mistakes due to which wrinkles start appearing on our skin before time. Let us know about some of those habits, which you should give up immediately so that you can get rid of fine lines and aging as soon as possible.  Such habits, which are showing before time. Are old…

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Drinking water in plastic bottles can also cause stones… What is the reason behind this?

Drinking water in plastic bottles can also cause stones… What is the reason behind this?

Plastic bottles with various designs have started becoming available in the market, seeing which children and adults buy them and drink water from them throughout the day. It is never known when these designed bottles become dangerous for the body. Nowadays there will be very few people who drink water from steel or copper bottles. People’s fondness for these designer bottles has increased so much that now they have even forgotten about their health.  There may be a problem of stones  According to this report In this we will tell…

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Warm Drinking Water Is Good But Its Excess Can Harm Your Health Know More

Warm Drinking Water Is Good But Its Excess Can Harm Your Health Know More

Side effects of hot water: From elders in the house to health experts, people have been advising to drink hot and lukewarm water. It is believed that hot water is very good for health and it provides many benefits to the body. Especially during the winter season, if you drink hot water, it provides relief from your cold and the food gets digested properly. But just as excessive consumption of everything has its disadvantages, similarly excessive consumption of hot water can also harm health. Let us know what are the…

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What Would Happen If Someone Drunk Too Much Water Know How Much Water You Should Drink Daily

What Would Happen If Someone Drunk Too Much Water Know How Much Water You Should Drink Daily

What If Someone Drinks Too Much Water: Water is one of the primary requirements of the body. Along with life, it is also most important for our health. The share of water in our life is such that almost 60 percent of the body is made up of water. It works to carry nutrients throughout the body and also does the work of removing toxins. After hearing so many benefits of water, now you must be thinking that then we should drink a lot of water. In such a situation,…

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Is Drinking Water After A Meal Bad For You

Is Drinking Water After A Meal Bad For You

Why We Should Not Drink Water While Eating: You must have often heard from the elders of the house that water should not be drunk in between meals. One should sit with water along with food so that whenever something gets stuck in the throat, you can get rid of this problem immediately with the help of water. For your information, tell us how is your health? To some extent depends on how you eat food? According to the article published in Zee News, some people have this habit that…

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Do you drink water multiple times from the same glass? Learn here which diseases can be caused by doing this!

Do you drink water multiple times from the same glass?  Learn here which diseases can be caused by doing this!

Health Tips: Drinking water is very important for all of us. That’s why doctors also advise us to get more and more water. But many times it happens that even while living at home, we drink water from the same glass several times a day. Because of this laziness that the second glass will be dirty, or because of thinking that there is only water. Most people would agree that they drink water from the same glass multiple times thinking that it is just water after all, isn’t it? But…

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Is it right or wrong to drink water just before sleeping? Don’t fall prey to these diseases

Is it right or wrong to drink water just before sleeping?  Don’t fall prey to these diseases

It is very important for any human being to stay fit. Body is the biggest wealth because all your things are connected with the body. To keep the body healthy, eating water from time to time is very important. You also drink a lot of water every day to keep your body shining. Doctors also say that if you eat a little less food, it will be fine, but there should be no shortage of water in the body. Water plays a very important part in our body. On the…

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