When chimpanzees fall ill they treat themselves know which medicinal plants they use

A research team comprising researchers from Oxford University and Europe, Japan, Uganda has found that chimpanzees use more medicinal plants than other animals. According to the study published in the journal PLOL One, 17 samples from 13 plant species were taken which were used by chimpanzees. In fact, for this research, 4 months were spent in Uganda’s Budongo forest to observe 2 chimpanzee communities. During this time, out of 170 chimpanzees from both communities, the researchers found 51 chimpanzees suffering from bacterial infection and inflammation. During the research, they were…

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Bhang Plant: From which plant does Ganja, Bhang and Charas originate, what is the difference between these three intoxicants?

Most people will be familiar with the name of cannabis. Especially during the festival of Holi, people drink Thandai with Bhang. But do you know what is the difference between these three drugs Ganja, Bhang and Charas. After all, from which plant is it prepared? Today we will tell you about it.  Bhang  Let us tell you that hemp is prepared from the hemp plant only. It is also known as Cannabis. From this hemp plant, cannabis is made for eating, ganja for drinking and charas for high intoxication. The…

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