What are the symptoms of low water in the body, read the full article in Hindi

When the body does not get water as per its requirement, the body starts lacking water and then people become victims of dehydration. Many people believe that feeling more thirsty means that there is a lack of water in the body. But we will tell you in detail what are the symptoms that appear when there is a lack of water in the body. These are some of the symptoms that appear when there is a lack of water in the body Persistent headaches If you are constantly having severe…

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Makeup Tips: Makeup should be according to the skin, only then you will get celebrity like results.

If you also do makeup like your favorite beauty influencers and wonder why the results are not the same, then today we will tell you where you are making a mistake. We should know what their skin type is and what our skin is like. Oily, dry and combination are the skin types according to which makeup should be done. So let us know which makeup is suitable for which skin type. Makeup tips for oily skin 1. Double cleanse your skin with a cream-based cleanser to remove dirt and…

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Is it better to take bath daily, once a week or every few days? Understand the advantages and disadvantages of both from experts

Is it better to take bath daily or weekly? This question arises in the mind of many of us. Bathing habits depend on a person’s lifestyle, activities and even the weather. Some people believe that bathing daily maintains freshness and cleanliness, while others say that bathing less often maintains the natural moisture of the skin. Today, we’ll look at the pros and cons of both sides with expert opinion, so you can decide which method is best for you.  When should one take bath daily?The need to take bath daily…

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Skin Care Tips Take Care Of Skin In Winter Like This Include This Oil In Your Skincare Routine

Skin Care Tips: Winters can be an overwhelming time for your skin, sometimes the more products you slather on, the tougher it becomes to take care of it. During winters what works best for all skin types is oil, and it is better for your skin to stay away from chemical rich creams and lotions. Winter season is at its peak, it can strip off all the natural oil from your skin and make your skin dry and dull, it is better to turn to oil in this seasons and…

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Soap Makes Your Skin Dry While Bathing In Winter Try These Home Remedies And Make The Skin Soft

Winter Skin Care: The thing that bothers us the most in the winter season is our skin. In cold weather, our skin needs double care. From soap to cream, we have to choose very carefully. In this season, along with the face, you also have to take special care of your hands and feet. But while taking bath in winter, our skin looks very cracked and dry with soap, which looks very bad. That’s why our body needs extra care in this season. If you are also troubled by the…

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