If you experience any of the following symptoms during pregnancy read full article in Hindi

If you experience any of the following symptoms during pregnancy read full article in Hindi

If there is severe pain in the stomach which does not go away during pregnancy. Or if there is pain in the tip of one shoulder or below the ribs, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Bleeding in the second or third trimester may be a sign of a more serious condition, such as placenta previa, placental abruption, premature labor or incompetent cervix. Many pregnancy symptoms, such as missing periods (amenorrhea), nausea (morning sickness) or fatigue, can also be caused by stress or illness. So if you think you…

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these symptoms shows your are pregnant or not pregnancy ke lakshan

these symptoms shows your are pregnant or not pregnancy ke lakshan

There are many disturbances in women regarding periods. Sometimes periods come early, and sometimes they are a little late. At the same time, periods may get delayed due to stress, change in diet or any other reason. But always come on time and this time there is a delay of more than a week, then pay attention to some symptoms. These symptoms indicate pregnancy. Are hormones the cause? Being pregnant is a matter of great happiness for a woman. The first symptom of pregnancy is missing periods. Sometimes periods get…

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