Cancer symptoms what are the five symptoms a person may experience if they have cancer

The number of cancer patients is increasing continuously all over the world. The main cause of cancer is said to be bad lifestyle and eating habits. One thing that is often said about cancer is that it is not only fatal but also an incurable disease. But one dangerous thing about this disease is that when cancer starts in someone’s body, that is, when cancer is in its first stage, its symptoms appear on the body, which we often ignore. 15 common symptoms of cancer Doctors always say that what…

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Cancer Symptoms Of Types Of Silent Cancers

Silent Cancers: Most of the symptoms of cancer are not visible in the beginning and that is why people start taking stomach pain or back pain lightly, although it is not that every pain in stomach and back can be the beginning of cancer. But then you need to be careful. Suffering from any problem for a long time is not the solution. That is why it is necessary to show any problem in time. The most dangerous form of silent cancer is that it is not detected in the…

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Here Are Some Of The More Common Signs And Symptoms That May Be Caused By Cancer

Cancer Symptoms: Cancer is such a disease which silently enters the body and without digesting you, it makes your body hollow inside. But one more thing is said about this disease, that as soon as this disease enters the body, its initial symptoms are very minor, which people often do not pay attention to. Because of which it takes a more serious form with time. For your information, let us tell you that in cancer, the cells inside the body start growing rapidly. After which if there is a delay…

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Boys Than Girls Being Diagnosed With Cancer Finds Lancet Study

According to a report published in ‘The Lancet Oncology’, the number of boys in India is more than girls suffering from cancer and the biggest reason for this is the Indian social thinking about the boy. According to the research, between January 1, 2005 and December 31, 2019, personal data of children aged 0-19 years has been extracted according to data extracted from three central cancer hospitals in India. In which it has been found that boys are more cancer patients than girls. Delhi’s three big hospitals have dataCancer registries…

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