health tips eating habits know benefits of chewing food

Eating Habits : Eating food quickly is considered the work of the devil. Elders advise to eat food slowly and chew it well. It is said in the household that food should be chewed at least 32 times. This has many health benefits. This rule has been in practice since ancient times. Many experts also believe that chewing food 32 times helps in proper digestion. However, no scientific research has been done on this till now. But it is true that by chewing food (32 Bar Formula in Eating), it…

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health tips late night dinner side effects in hindi

Late Night Dinner: Nowadays, the time of everything has changed, be it eating, drinking, sleeping or waking up. Due to busy schedule, there is no fixed time for eating. Which is affecting health. Nowadays, many people eat very late at night, due to which many problems are increasing. Experts say that due to having dinner late at night, sleeping is also happening late. In such a situation, sleep is not complete and many problems like physical-mental health can occur. Therefore, late line dinner should be avoided. Know its disadvantages here……

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From dinosaurs to us humans, eating habits have given shape to the skull, interesting revelation in research

For more than a century and a half, scientists have been intrigued by a unique feature present in the skulls of terrestrial vertebrates. From giant dinosaurs to today’s humans, everyone has seen a remarkable difference in the temporal region of the brain. According to this unique new study, food habits shape the bones of our heads. The efforts of researchers from the University of Tübingen and Ruhr University Bochum have shed light on this mystery. Research published in the journal The Anatomical Record shows how dietary behavior affects our body…

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eat till late night causes harmful diseases for body

It is very difficult to find time for yourself in this busy life. Something similar happens when you work all day and come home at night. Be it a boy or a girl, when he gets free from work at night, the whole family sits together and eats food. In such a situation, before they finish eating, it is 11 to 12 o’clock at night. At the same time, the habit of eating food till late night has also been seen in teenagers. But do you know that doing this…

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Do you eat fruits at night, then know how beneficial and how harmful is eating fruits at this time?

Fruits are considered extremely beneficial for health. These improve overall health. All the essential nutrients for the body are found in fruits, hence they also help in protecting from many diseases. Health experts say that everyone should include fruits in their daily diet. Consuming different seasonal fruits is beneficial. This helps in staying healthy but do you know when it is most beneficial to eat fruits, day or night. Should fruits be eaten at night? Let us know the answers to such questions… Dietitians say that most fruits contain high…

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Animals eat other living beings alive. What will happen if humans do this?

Nature has made everyone different. Animals do not cook and eat meat the way we humans do. Rather, animals eat any creature alive. There are many creatures that swallow other animals alive, but have you ever wondered whether this would cause any harm to them or not? What will happen if a person does this? If yes then let us know. Does eating raw meat cause harm to animals?Actually, compared to humans, the brain of animals is not so developed that they can cook and eat anything, but if an…

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Health Tips Frequent Hunger Is Sign Of Many Diseases Know Its Cause

Health Tips: Many times it happens, when even after eating a lot of food, one continues to feel hungry. It seems as if nothing has been eaten. Does the same happen with you. If yes, then don’t take it lightly and ignore it at all. Because this habit can be a sign of many diseases. Let’s know the reason behind this… Why do I feel hungry again and again Diabetes According to health experts, due to the problem of diabetes, glucose does not reach the cells properly. Due to this…

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Astrology Planets Transit Motion Can Be Change By Food Know Remedies Upay For Increased Auspicious Of Graha Gochar In Kundali

Astrology, Planets Transit, Eating Habit: Many such measures have been mentioned in astrology, through which it is done to strengthen the planets of the horoscope, that is, to increase their auspiciousness. Apart from this, the planets of the horoscope give auspicious effect by wearing and worshiping gems. According to astrology, planets have a special relation with our food too. Our food also helps in increasing the auspiciousness of the planets of the horoscope. Let us know which planet is related to which food? Sun The planet , According to…

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