Nigeria President Bola Tinubu changed national anthem After inflation broke 28 years old record reaches high

Nigerian President: Nigeria’s President Bola Tinubu has taken a surprising decision. In which he has signed such a bill. The President has re-adopted the national anthem written during the British period. However, some people have dismissed this decision of President Bola Tinubu as a cynical move to divert attention from the growing economic crisis. According to a report by news agency Reuters, from now on the Nigerian government will use “We Hail Thee” instead of “Arise O’ Compatriots” in its national anthem. In fact, this bill, which was introduced last…

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Pakistan Economic Crisis IMF said Pakistan again going to bankruptcy due to economic crisis

Pakistan Economic Crisis: Pakistan, desperate for every penny, is once again on the way to bankruptcy. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned about the economic situation of Pakistan in its recent report. The IMF said in its report released on Friday that the economic threat to Pakistan is at an exceptionally high level. This report has come just before the organization’s final talks with Pakistan, in such a situation some experts believe that the IMF is also in no mood to give loan. In the report of the International…

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Pakistan Family Murder Case Man kills his wife and 7 children in Pakistan Due to Economic Crisis | Pakistan Murder Case: In Pakistan, husband killed wife and 7 children with an axe, said

Pakistan Murder Case: A shocking case has come to light from Pakistan, a man struggling with financial crisis used an ax on his 7 children and wife. In this incident all 8 people died on the spot. It is being told that a man named Sajjad Khokhar was not able to support his children and wife, due to which he committed murder. Meanwhile, there are continuous reports coming from Pakistan that the prices of basic things like medicine and food are skyrocketing in the country. According to PTI report, the…

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Egypt is ready to sell Alexandria city to Turkey After UAE due to Economic Crisis in Egypt

Economic Crisis in Egypt: Egypt is currently going through a serious economic crisis. In such a situation, he is busy selling his cities. After Egypt, United Arab Emirates (UAE) is now going to sell a city to Turkey. Egypt is forced to do this after an alarming decline in its foreign currency reserves. According to a report, India’s friendly country Egypt is preparing to sell the city of Alexandria to Turkey. The Ras Al-Hikma area, located about 350 km north-west of the capital Cairo, is going to be sold to…

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