What is dark matter and dark energy in space definition of dark energy and dark matter

What is dark matter and dark energy in space definition of dark energy and dark matter

Dark matter and dark energy are such mysterious elements about which science’s understanding is still incomplete. Together, these two elements make up most of our universe. But very little information has been found about them so far. Let us tell you in this article today what these two things are and what is the difference between these two. what is dark matter called Dark matter is a substance that cannot be seen directly. It neither absorbs nor emits light. We can only estimate its presence from its gravitational effects i.e.…

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How was Einstein’s brain different from that of a normal human? What was revealed in the research

How was Einstein’s brain different from that of a normal human? What was revealed in the research

Who does not know scientist Albert Einstein? Even today he is remembered all over the world for his sharp mind. Albert Einstein’s mind was very different and sharp from others. His mind was so sharp that even today people use his mind as a synonym for genius. It was believed that Einstein had the highest IQ. Today we will tell you how Einstein’s mind was the sharpest and how much higher was his IQ than ordinary people. Who was Einstein? The great scientist Albert Einstein, who explained the Theory of…

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