electricity consumption after installing inverter at home know its usage details

electricity consumption after installing inverter at home know its usage details

Inverter Electricity Consumption: It is extremely hot these days in India. Heat has created havoc in many states. The scorching sun and rising temperature have made life difficult for people. It is becoming very difficult to spend even a moment without electricity these days. At the same time, there are many power cuts in many cities these days during the summer season. Due to which people are facing problems. In such a situation, many people have installed inverters in their homes. There should be no problem in running fans and…

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Does the electricity bill meter run faster in summer? Change these 5 habits today

Does the electricity bill meter run faster in summer? Change these 5 habits today

With the increase in heat, most homes start using AC, coolers and fans more. In such a situation, people are troubled by the meter running fast and getting bills for more units. The question is how can you reduce the consumption of electricity bill in your homes in such a situation. Know which are those methods through which less electricity units will come at the time of reading in your homes.     Why is the electricity bill high? Most people ask why the electricity bill is high? Let us…

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3 star ac or 5 star ac after 5 years what will be the difference in electricity consumption

3 star ac or 5 star ac after 5 years what will be the difference in electricity consumption

AC Electricity Consumption: These days summer season is going on in India. People try various methods to escape the summer. Generally people like to go out of the house less during the summer season. But even inside the house the heat continues to prevail. To get relief from the heat, many people arrange for AC. Different types of ACs from different companies are available in the market. But mostly people install 5 and 3 star rated ACs. The rating of AC is related to its power consumption. Today we will…

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Does an old cooler really consume more power units than a new AC know the answer

Does an old cooler really consume more power units than a new AC know the answer

Old Cooler Electricity Consumption: Summer season has arrived. People have kept coolers in their homes and switched on switched off ACs. Because it is proving very difficult to spend even a single day in the summer without them. People choose AC and cooler according to their budget. AC is expensive. And the electricity usage of AC is also high, due to which the electricity bill also comes high. That’s why middle class people mostly like to use coolers. But the question that comes in the mind of many people is…

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