On seeing the Russian, the local elephant got angry, picked her up with her trunk and threw her, the palace echoed with screams, video went viral

God had thoughtfully created a certain distance between humans and animals. Made some animals suitable for humans to raise. But humans, out of their greed, tried to domesticate even wild animals. Humans also have to suffer the consequences of this from time to time. When a wild animal attacks humans. Man has tried a lot to control even a huge animal like the elephant. Mahouts use these elephants to transport tourists. Wild animals may obey humans out of greed for easy food, but after all they are animals. It cannot…

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Viral Video: The girl was making a video standing near the elephant, the animal attacked with its trunk! Friends lost their senses

Elephants are very straightforward creatures. You will always see him in a calm and relaxed posture, but when he gets angry, even lions and leopards do not dare to stand in front of him. If they want, they destroy the entire forest, uproot the biggest trees. Now, when animals cannot stand in front of such a creature, then what is the fate of humans. Unaware of this, when a girl standing right in front of an elephant started taking her photo, the animal also told her what she could do.…

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