The elephant got angry after seeing the car in the forest, attacked, the driver used such ‘magic’, the animal returned as soon as he saw the hand!

The lion may be the king of the jungle, but the most powerful and dangerous creature is the elephant. If faced with wild elephants, let alone lions, any other creature has less chance of survival. In such a situation, there is no control of human being. But still humans go to the forests to see wild animals. Recently, some people did the same and entered the forests (Elephant attack tourists) while sitting in a car. But then a herd of elephants attacked. What the driver of the car did after…

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When the elephant fell after the leopard, see what happened to this dreaded hunter, he died while running

Leopard is considered one of the most dangerous predators of the jungle. If an animal comes in front of him, it is difficult to escape. But even this dreaded hunter shies away from going in front of an elephant or a tiger. A video is going viral on social media, in which a leopard falls in front of elephants. Then what the elephant does to him is surprising. The video has been shared on Youtube from Maasai Sightings account. In this one minute video you can see that a leopard…

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PINK BABY ELEPHANT SWIM in river Rare pink elephant video gulabi hathi ka video viral

You must have seen all kinds of elephants and their children. You must have seen their mischief too, but have you ever seen a pink elephant. Probably not. Because pink elephants are very rare. Years ago, when such a baby elephant was seen in the jungle of Africa for just a few minutes, there was a wave of happiness in the whole world. Biologists termed it as an auspicious sign. He was convinced that somewhere there must be a pink elephant from which this child was born. Well it’s about…

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