‘Hello, I am Elon Musk, love you’, the girl got a call, promised to take her to Mars, she agreed!

Artificial Intelligence has made our lives easier and has put us at risk as much as possible. If we can complete our biggest tasks in minutes and seconds with the help of AI, then in the same time, scammers are taking advantage of our mistakes. You can guess this from the fact that someone can easily cheat you by talking in the voice of one of your relatives. However, what happened with a girl was different and strange. A girl living in South Korea received a video call, in which…

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AI expressed 4 concerns about living on Mars, but Elon Musk claimed that the city will be settled in just 20 years! – Elon Musk says humans will be living in Mars in 30 years amid Google bot gives four step guidance

Famous industrialist and owner of SpaceX company, Elon Musk has made a big claim regarding the effort to settle humans on Mars. He says that in the next 20 years, human settlement will be established on Mars and in 30 years a civilization will also flourish there. This claim of Musk comes after recently expressing “four concerns” issued by Google’s artificial intelligence bot Gemini. “We are just a few years away from landing on Mars,” the SpaceX boss declared in response to a tweet on its X platform. The 52-year-old…

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Social Media Platform

Social Media Platform X New Feature: Social media platform X is going to give a big gift to its users. Making a big announcement, X owner Elon Musk said that like YouTube, now on X, users will also be able to upload long format content like films, shows, podcasts and music videos and will also be able to monetize their video content. According to the information, this feature will be available on X by next month. Elon Musk posted on X According to Elon Musk, this new change will bring…

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Tesla CEO Elon Musk China Visit For Electric Vehicle Market Entry After Postponing India Tour PM Narendra Modi Meeting

Elon Musk in China: Tesla CEO and owner of social media platform News agency Reuters has given this news quoting two people having knowledge of the matter. The surprising thing here is that Elon Musk’s visit to China is taking place at a time when he had postponed his visit to India a few days ago. He had said that he would not be able to come to India because of Tesla’s work. The information about postponement of Elon Musk’s tour was revealed on April 20. Musk Prime Minister on…

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Tesla SpaceX XEO Elon Musk

Elon Musk Tesla CEO and SpaceX owner Elon Musk is now preparing to make a splash in the world of TV as well. It has been told in a report that Musk is going to launch the TV app of social media platform X soon. With this step of the company, platforms like YouTube are going to get a big competition. After the launch of X TV, X can be used on TV also. Information about X TV app is given from @XNews handle. A 10 second teaser of X…

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Artificial Intelligence will think and work like humans OpenAI and Meta platforms will launch version 2 of ai says a report

Artificial General Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence (AI) has radically changed the way of working. Computer had converted the work of hours into minutes and AI has converted it into the work of few seconds. Now a big change is about to come in AI. Soon AI will start working just like humans. In the next phase, AI will talk, reason, plan like humans and will also have memory. Open AI and Meta Platforms have progressed a lot in this direction. Soon these companies can announce version 2.0 of AI. Upgraded version…

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Artificial Intelligence Microsoft Founder Bill Gates says AI will make life easier for humans

Bill Gates on Artificial Intelligence: Experts have different opinions regarding Artificial Intelligence, after which a new debate has started. Meanwhile, Microsoft founder Bill Gates says that AI will help humans make their work easier. He said that after the arrival of AI, if humans work only three days a week, then its benefits will increase. Bill Gates said all these things in an interview about AI. Gates says that with the advent of AI, if humans do a week’s work in just three days, then it will directly benefit humans.…

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Sohaib Chaudhry Video Sana Amjad Pakistani angry after hearing about Tesla coming to India

Tesla in India: Billionaire Elon Musk is busy finalizing Tesla’s investment in India this month. The discussion regarding this became more intense when on Wednesday, Elon Musk himself announced his visit to India by tweeting and expressed his desire to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Elon Musk wrote in his ex-post, ‘Prime Minister in India Narendra Modi Looking forward to meeting ‘. At present, there is no confirmation regarding the launch of Tesla in India, but earlier a report had come that Tesla is looking for land in India to…

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