50 Years Of Emergency Does the Prime Minister also have the power to impose emergency India democracy Indira Gandhi

50 Years of Emergency: on this day i.e. 25 june 1975 The state of emergency was declared on, Who 21 march 1977 it lasted till, This two-year period is considered a black spot in the country’s history, The country was transformed into a prison immediately after the declaration of emergency, Citizens’ rights were violated on a massive scale, In such a situation, the question arises whether a Prime Minister can declare an emergency in any situation, Does the Prime Minister have the power to impose an emergency? Articles of the…

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When Nitish Kumar and Lalu Yadav jumped into the dry river to escape from the police during emergency 1975

Emergency 1975: In terms of democracy in India, the date of 25 June is considered as a black day. Emergency was imposed in the country for a period of 21 months from 25 June 1975 to 21 March 1977. The then President Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed had declared emergency in the country under Article 352 of the Indian Constitution on the recommendation of the government led by then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Even before imposing the Emergency, a list was prepared of all the opposition leaders, including Jai Prakash Narayan, Lal…

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