what are the benefits of eating dahi daily in summer know the side effects

Curd is considered to be full of nutrition. It contains many vitamins and minerals in abundance. Especially in summers, people use curd more daily. Some people like to eat curd with paratha in the morning. Because it is full of many nutrients. But is it okay to consume curd daily in summer? Eating curd is good but in limits Curd is very beneficial for the stomach. According to health experts, eating curd is a good thing but it should be eaten in a limited quantity. Because eating it in excess…

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Why We Should Not Workout Empty Stomach Know How Much It Is Harmful

Empty Stomach Workout Side Effects: To keep the body healthy and for weight loss, in today’s era, along with the right diet, the exact workout has been said to be very important. For weight loss, some people especially like to workout regularly in the morning. But do you do empty stomach workout? If you exercise or workout on an empty stomach, then instead of weight loss, you are causing a big loss to your body (Empty Stomach Workout Side Effects). Disadvantages of working out on an empty stomach Just as…

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Health Benefits Of Drinking Water On An Empty Stomach

Drinking Water In Empty Stomach: Water is a very important thing. Can’t even imagine the human body without water. Your body should work properly, so it is most important that how much water you drink throughout the day. Meanwhile, the question arises that is it right to drink water on an empty stomach as soon as you wake up from the bed in the morning or is it right to drink water after eating something? Most people drink water on an empty stomach as soon as they wake up in…

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Health News How Long Right To Take Medicine After Eating Are You Doing This Mistake Somewhere

Health News: In today’s time, everyone takes medicines. But do you know how long after or before having food is it okay to take medicine. If you also do not keep any time gap regarding medicine and food, then it can prove to be harmful for your health. Yes, in this article we will tell you at what time it is right to take medicine. In fact, if you are taking medicine in the morning, day and night, then it is very important for you to know all these things…

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