The planet is full of iron gas, scientists were studying its eclipse, the rainbow-like sight shocked them

Many natural phenomena that occur on Earth also occur on other planets in the solar system. But it especially attracts attention if this happens on a planet outside the solar system. Whereas if this incident is the formation of a rainbow then it is even more surprising. Scientists have recently found evidence indicating the presence of something like a rainbow on an exoplanet. Which has also confused the scientists a lot. “Glory” is a phenomenon that occurs when light hits clouds made of uniform materials in the form of spherical…

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Scientists were looking at the possibility of life on this planet, saw that the opposite was happening here, hopes were lost.

Scientists have found many planets in which life is expected to be possible. But would you believe it, if you were told that a planet where there was a possibility for life to flourish can now never exist there? This extraterrestrial named Trappist 1E is such that it has destroyed its own atmosphere and now the possibilities of life in it have completely vanished, whereas earlier these possibilities were alive. The electric currents that were generated in this planet have destroyed the atmosphere of this planet because this planet is…

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5 ‘monsters’ coming towards Earth, one is the size of a football stadium, NASA alerts

A unique astronomical phenomenon will be seen in the sky today. Not one or two, but five giant asteroids are coming towards the Earth. One of these is equal to the size of a football stadium. Which will pass very close to the earth. According to the scientist, if they collide, it could cause a terrible devastation. Therefore, many agencies including the American space agency NASA have started trying to change their path. However, there is nothing to fear because this collision will not usually happen. According to NASA’s Asteroid…

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Scientist finds special planet, will tell how Earth was formed, many more secrets will be revealed

Astronomers have discovered a special kind of exoplanet that can tell our scientists how the Earth was formed. This discovery by international researchers is very special because this exoplanet is lighter than both Neptune and Uranus and it is in a star system where there is a planet a hundred times larger than Jupiter on the outside. In this way, scientists believe that the conditions of this planet are similar to what our Earth might have once been. This small, cool exoplanet is revolving around a star whose temperature is…

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