Do things get spoiled as soon as the expiry date is over? Is there any harm in eating them? Food lab expert told the truth…..

Do things get spoiled as soon as the expiry date is over? Is there any harm in eating them? Food lab expert told the truth…..

Can we eat after expiry date: Whenever we go to the market to buy something, we definitely check the manufacturing and expiry date on its packet. Be it kitchen items, food or cosmetic products. This is also the case these days because most of the things are available in packaged form and both these dates are written on their packets. It simply means to us that this thing was made in this month or on this date and will expire after this date. Often you must have thrown away things…

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Before eating packaged food, know the difference between expiry date and best before date

Before eating packaged food, know the difference between expiry date and best before date

When you bring any packaged item from the market like medicines, biscuits, milk, curd or beauty products, some have their expiry date written on them, while some have best before written on them. But do you know what is the difference between these two things? Actually, most people know about expiry date. But not everyone knows about best before and use by date. Most people think that both these things also mean expiry date. Whereas, it is not so. Each thing has a different meaning. First understand the expiry date…

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Where is the expiry date written on the gas cylinder know how can you check

Where is the expiry date written on the gas cylinder know how can you check

Gas Cylinder Expiry Date: There was a time when food was cooked on earthen stoves. But now gas stoves are available in almost all homes. Which run on gas cylinder. People keep checking the gas from time to time. There is no leakage in it. Or is there less gas coming from the stove? Whatever shortcomings there are, people keep checking them from time to time. But the gas cylinder which is used for cooking gas. We check its expiry date. Is there information about him? Let us tell you…

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this is how you can check Gas cylinder and its pipe expiry date know the details

this is how you can check Gas cylinder and its pipe expiry date know the details

LPG Cylinder: Earlier food was cooked on earthen stove. So now in almost every house food is cooked on gas stove only. In which gas cylinder is used. When the gas cylinder runs out. So it is refilled. Along with this, we also pay attention to the minor defects in the gas stove and cylinder. But there is one thing which people do not pay much attention to and that is the expiry date of the gas cylinder. And along with that the expiry date of its pipe. It is…

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What will happen if you accidentally consume medicine with expiry date? Know how much loss can occur

What will happen if you accidentally consume medicine with expiry date?  Know how much loss can occur

Expired Medicine Side EffectsWhenever you buy medicines from a medical store, you definitely check its expiry date. We all know that expired medicines should not be bought, but many times the medicines kept at home remain undetected even after they have expired. You know that expired medicines become poison and have no effect, but you will be surprised to know that the expiry date written on the medicines does not at all mean that they become poison after a time. go away or their effect ends. In such a situation,…

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