This is what happens there after a nuclear attack Due to this it is not even detected and death occurs

Nuclear attack is considered to be the biggest and most dangerous attack in the world. Not only this, whenever there is a situation of tension between two nuclear capable countries or a war breaks out, the whole world gets worried that a situation like a nuclear attack may arise. The world is also worried about the ongoing war between Israel and Iran. But do you know how a nuclear attack takes place and what happens after it? Today we will tell you what changes after a nuclear attack. Nuclear attack…

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How deep the volcanic tunnels go into the earth know what harm it will cause

People get scared as soon as they hear the name of volcano. Because the lava coming out of the volcano has the ability to destroy areas hundreds of kilometers away from it. Do you know how many kilometers deep into the earth the volcanic tunnels go? Today we will tell you how many kilometers deep the volcanic tunnel makes its way inside. When and why does a volcano erupt? First of all let us know how a volcano erupts. Let us tell you that a volcano is a kind of…

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