eye disease age related macular degeneration causes symptoms prevention in hindi

Eye Disease: Nowadays eye problems are continuously increasing. People of all ages are falling prey to it. Glasses are being worn even at a young age. Problems of poor eyesight are increasing. A shocking revelation has been made in a recently released report. Experts say that due to the rapid change in lifestyle, it is estimated that by the year 2040, 300 million or more than 30 crore people will be affected by ‘Age Related Macular Degeneration’ disease. Currently, about 20 crore people in the world are victims of this…

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If children are wearing glasses at an early age, then these home remedies can help them in getting relief.

Nowadays children keep working on mobile and screen all day long. Some children keep using their phones till night, while there are some who stay awake all night to study. But do you know that doing so has dangerous effects on the eyes. In such a situation, the eyes of children are affected and they start wearing numbered glasses at an early age. Children start getting marks due to continuous wearing of glasses and it also becomes their habit. To get rid of all this, we will tell you some…

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Be careful if such symptoms are seen in the eyes, this disease can cause blindness.

World Glaucoma Day 2024: Eyes are a sensitive part of our body. In such a situation, it is advised to take special care of them. However, nowadays eye problems are being seen at an early age. Glaucoma is also one of these. According to health experts, glaucoma can also cause blindness. In such a situation, one should be cautious about this. So that this disease can be identified at the right time and it can be treated. Let us know what this glaucoma is and how we can avoid it……

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Eyes Also Need Special Care In Summer Include These Foods In Your Diet From Today Itself

Eye Care Tips: To live a healthy life, it is necessary to have better eye health. However, many people spend time with the screen for a long time, which leads to many vision related problems. A balanced diet is essential for maintaining good eye health. Including a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet can help provide your body with the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants it needs for healthy vision. Green vegetables like broccoli, bananas, spinach and lettuce are rich in lutein/zeaxanthin and antioxidants that protect the eyes from…

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Stroke Symptoms Problem Do Not Ignore This Painless Warning Sign In The Eyes

Stroke symptoms: Just like our body gets tired after working for a whole day, in the same way our eyes also sometimes give some signs when they are too tired, such as pain in the eyes, blurred vision or dizziness. If you are constantly ignoring these problems, then this situation is dangerous, but if it is detected early, it can be treated. Although it can remove the risk of more dangerous stroke. There can be a change in the light of the eyes, the thing to note here is that…

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Holi Color Has Gone Into The Eyes By Mistake Do Not Make This Mistake In A Hurry Otherwise You May Lose Your Eyesight

Holi Celebration: The festival of Holi is just around the corner. This festival is full of happiness and colors. Especially children have special enthusiasm about this festival. Because many dishes are prepared on Holi, children play a lot with colors, balloons and water cannons. Many types of tasty dishes are made at home for this festival. On the day of Holi, all the people meet and start a new beginning by forgetting their grudges. Lots of colors are played on this festival, no one celebrates Holi without colors. Take care…

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Why It Is Harmful To Wear Contact Lenses While Sleeping

Are Contact Lenses Harmful For Eyes: People who are more serious about looks often prefer to wear lenses. Some people prefer to wear lenses instead of wearing number glasses. These days the discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of contact lenses is going on fast. Actually this discussion is happening after a case has come. The case is of a young man living in Florida, USA. The one who slept with contact lenses in the night, in the morning he started to see a lot less. After knowing some such…

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Kesar Tea Benefits Try This Cold Saffron Tea From Menstrual Problems To These Things You Get Relief

Saffron Tea Benefits: Everyone drinks saffron milk, but have you ever had saffron tea, if not, then do know the benefits of saffron tea once. As soon as you hear the benefits of saffron tea, you will start drinking this tea from today itself. Saffron is also considered very beneficial for health. Consuming this in winter also keeps your body warm. Doctors also recommend drinking saffron milk daily in cold weather. Also, many women have a lot of pain during menstruation, due to which they keep on suffering from pain.…

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Eyes Pain If You Want To Save Your Eyes Then Bring These Changes Habit Of Working On Laptop For Hours

Eyes Pain: In today’s time all the work remains incomplete without computer. Office work or work from home cannot be done without a laptop. This whole day’s work depends on our eyes. You have to work continuously by looking at the system for 9 hours. Is it right to expose eyes to bright light for 9 hours daily? Not at all… then you also start trying some of the tips given in this article from today itself, with this you will be able to do your work and there will…

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