Eye Care Tips

Do you also put eye drops in your eyes in the wrong way? Know the correct way from the experts

Many times doctors recommend eye drops for eye problems. This medicine helps to relieve eye…

eye care tips in rainy days conjunctivitis treatments in mansoon

Conjunctivitis in Monsoon : The risk of eye infection increases during rainy days. Problems like…

eye disease age related macular degeneration causes symptoms prevention in hindi

Eye Disease: Nowadays eye problems are continuously increasing. People of all ages are falling prey…

Heat wave can cause damage to eyes, light can go out, be careful

Heat Wave For Eyes: The month of April is going on. The heat of summer…

There is burning and itching in the eyes, so do not take it lightly… know everything

Nowadays many people are troubled by burning sensation and itching in the eyes. This problem…

Know why children are wearing glasses at an early age, what is the reason, what is the solution

Child Eye Care: Nowadays, children wear glasses at an early age. This problem is increasing…

Deficiency of Vitamin D can harm your eye health, these symptoms start appearing

Vitamin D: Vitamin D is a micronutrient that works to strengthen bones and muscles in…

Eyes Care Tips Computer Vision Syndrome Symptoms Causes And Prevention In Hindi

Computer Vision Syndrome: Nowadays everyone is spending more time on the screen. Excessive use of…

Are your eyes still red? Don’t consider it normal, it is never a disease because of this particular reason!

Some people's eyes always remain red. There can be many reasons for this as well.…

Eye Care Tips Waking Up In The Morning Dirt Accumulates In The Eyes.

Eye Care Tips: Sleep works to refresh the heart, mind and all parts of the…