eye infection

There is burning and itching in the eyes, so do not take it lightly… know everything

Nowadays many people are troubled by burning sensation and itching in the eyes. This problem…

If you also apply kajal in the eyes of small children, then know the harm caused by it

Is It Safe To Put Kajal On Baby Eyes: Applying kajal to a newborn baby…

Are your eyes still red? Don’t consider it normal, it is never a disease because of this particular reason!

Some people's eyes always remain red. There can be many reasons for this as well.…

Doctors Warn Of Side Effects Of Weight Loss Drug

Weight Loss Drugs: People sweat a lot in the gym to lose weight, as well…

Why Black Glasses Are Worn When There Is Damage To The Eyes Or Infection Know The Reason Behind This

Why People Put Sun Glasses: Eyes are precious and very delicate part of the body.…