heart disease myths facts does drinking water before sleeping at night reduce heart attack risk

heart disease myths facts does drinking water before sleeping at night reduce heart attack risk

Heart Attack Myth : Drinking water is very beneficial. Adequate amount of water detoxifies the body and removes many problems. One should drink plenty of water during the day. However, various types of advice are given regarding drinking water before sleeping at night. Some people believe that drinking water before sleeping at night prevents the risk of heart attack. So let’s talk about such thingsMyth Vs Facts is a special presentation of ABP Live Hindi. ‘Myth Vs Facts Series’‘ is trying to take you out of the swamp of old-fashioned…

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After having a heart attack once, there is no risk of having it again? Know what is the truth

After having a heart attack once, there is no risk of having it again? Know what is the truth

Heart Attack Myth Fact : Heart is as important an organ of our body as it is delicate. If its health deteriorates, it can end our life. Usually, most of the heart related problems occur in old age but nowadays even the youth are getting affected by it. Heart related problems are increasing due to problems like lifestyle, health conditions, environment. There are many kinds of confusions among people regarding this. Regarding such things.Myth Vs Facts is a special presentation of ABP Live Hindi. ‘Myth Vs Facts Series’‘ is trying…

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health tips myth and facts about heart attack and what is connection with monday in hindi

health tips myth and facts about heart attack and what is connection with monday in hindi

Heart Attack : These days, cases of heart attack have increased a lot. Now, not only the elderly but also the youth are getting affected by heart attack. There are many misconceptions about this life-threatening condition. Some people believe that most heart attacks occur on Mondays. The British Cardiovascular Committee also believes that there is a higher risk of a serious heart attack on Monday. about such things’Myth Vs Facts is a special presentation of ABP Live Hindi. ‘Myth Vs Facts Series’ Our attempt is to bring you the truth…

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health tips myths and facts about heart disease in hindi

health tips myths and facts about heart disease in hindi

Heart Disease Myths Vs Facts Nowadays, due to work pressure, bad lifestyle and eating habits, people’s hearts are becoming weak even at a young age. Due to this, the risk of many serious heart diseases including heart attack is increasing. Heart disease patients are increasing rapidly every year all over the world. The reason for this is all kinds of misconceptions about this disease. Regarding such things, ‘ABP Live Hindi’ has a special presentation Myth Vs Facts. The attempt of ‘Myth Vs Facts Series’ is to bring you the truth…

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