
Will diamond dust be useful in cooling the earth? Know how

Every year the heat is creating new records in many countries

how much does a threat cost an airline facts

Nowadays, incidents of rumor spreading about bombs in planes have increased rapidly., Recently again many…

Pablo Escobar used to buy rubber bands worth so many lakhs every month to tie notes

pablo escobar, Was a notorious drug smuggler from Colombia, who 1980 And 90 led the…

Is there really a bomb inside the ATM machine? Know the answer

ATM machines are an essential facility of today's digital age, Which provide us the facility…

What is the difference between a cyclonic storm and a normal storm? You may not know

You must have often seen sudden changes in the weatherWhy don't Russians shake hands every…

person in front dies before the sound of sniper fire reaches know the speed

Since childhood we have been reading that sound is a wave which depends on air.,…

People celebrate New Year by wearing colorful underwear in these countries

New Year is very special for everyone, People celebrate it differently,different in different places,celebrated in…

How does a country get the responsibility of choosing the name of a storm know is there any list for this

Whenever a storm comes, you are different from it.,You must have heard the name Thalag.,…