Are falling and falling stars not the same? There is a lot of difference between the two, know interesting facts

The night sky has always raised many questions among humans. Our astronomers have also revealed many mysteries. Still, there are many things which are visible in the tone of conversation among people but their reality is something else. One such question is what is the difference between a falling and a falling star. At a glance these two appear to be the same, but on closer inspection it turns out that they are different and the answer is surprising. So first of all let us understand what a falling star…

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See the falling star from space, it looks like shattered glass! Video shared from European Space Agency

With the progress of science, we came to know many secrets about our earth. There was a time when we could see the Earth only as land, but the change happened such that now the Earth can be seen from space also. Not only the Earth, from space you can also see those falling stars, about which we have been hearing a lot on Earth. Today we will show you a video shot from space, in which a star can be seen falling. The European Space Agency (ESA) has shown…

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