This 52 layer sweet is no less than dowry, without it no transaction takes place in a marriage, taste is amazing, way of making is unique

This 52 layer sweet is no less than dowry, without it no transaction takes place in a marriage, taste is amazing, way of making is unique

Hazaribagh. Wedding season is going on. In such a situation, many types of sweets have become popular. But, in Bihar-Jharkhand, there is a tradition of having such a sweet during marriage, without which many rituals remain incomplete. The name of this special sweet is Khaja. Khaja is used to exchange sweets during marriage. Actually, on hearing the name of this sweet, people remember Silav of Bihar. Silav’s Khaja is famous all over the world. It is believed that Khaja sweets also originated from Silav, but there is a Khaja street…

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Have you ever eaten Arisa? This sweet comes from the maternal house of the bride and groom, tastes amazing, does not spoil for a month

Have you ever eaten Arisa?  This sweet comes from the maternal house of the bride and groom, tastes amazing, does not spoil for a month

Palamu (Jharkhand). There are many beliefs in marriage. According to the region and environment, many traditions also differ. There is a similar tradition in Palamu, without which the taste of marriage is considered incomplete. Here we are talking about a sweet which comes from the maternal grandparents of the bride and groom. This sweet is made only at weddings. Its name is Arisa. It tastes amazing. Its tradition is very old in Jharkhand and Bihar. Actually, the wedding season is going on. In such a situation, guests definitely come to…

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